Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dear Bliary...

How to dive into something that seems a bit narcissistic... I guess I'll do it the way everyone else does: 

  Hello. My name is Lynnette and I am a blogger.

(I imagine my readers - both mom and bff - responding in unison with "Hi, Lynnette.")

A few weeks ago I said to my Supafine husband, "Hey, I need to get a journal so I can start writing about the books I read and the movies I see and the things I do so I can remember them and then recommend them to my peops." And because my husband knows that my memory is that of a daffodil (A large, yellow orb? Lemme see!), he did not question my motive. But he did suggest that I be less Louisa May Alcott about it and use the Internet via a computer keyboard instead of a tablet via hand cramp.

So that is as simple as this journey from idea to reality has been, fren. This blog is not 100% dedicated to readers. But it is also not 100% dedicated to me (unlike you). I will attempt to capture the things in my life that are worthy of taking note: good stories, books, movies, shows, locations, people, etc. and relay them in a way so that I will be able to come back to and say "Oh yeah! That concert was number one!" Or "Glad I have this blog so I remember never to do that again." It's also so you can read it and go, "That book sounds dope. I'm going to check it out from my local library." 

Are all new bloggers as afraid of being judged as self-obsessed computer nerds as I am? Or maybe just the ones who have created a public website wholly dedicated to things that happen to them in their own lives. Either way, here I be, doing exactly that - sitting at my dining room peninsula with a glass of organic red wine (shout out, Orleans Hill Winery!!!) in hand - blogging

All right then - I've officially blogged! I feel good about that, but I'm going to go now because it's long past my bed time. But I would never leave you without a proper sign off. Just remember that.

Here's something I've come to understand: Sometimes it brings us peace to hear words of wisdom; to know that someone in the world is really thinking. But lots of other times it's a relief to hear something goofy - that makes us glad that people are just people, trying to build relationships by building each other up and making each other smile. Hopefully my blogging will have bits of all those things, as well as reminding me what I don't want to forget.

A silly little something by a great brain that relates to our horrific climate:

By Shel Silverstein

Birds are flyin' south for winter.
Here's the Weird-Bird headin' north
Wings a-flappin', beak a-chatterin',
Cold head bobbin' back 'n' forth
He says, "It's not that I like ice
Or freezin' winds and snowy ground.
It's just sometimes it's kind of nice
To be the only bird in town."

Thanks for reading my first blog. I'm glad we've shared this time together.

P.S. this is a photo from back when I was 70 years old. Enjoy.


  1. I LOVE it! You have a great writing style....totally something I like to read!! I started a blog when I had Mia and it's a lot of fun and you can meet a lot of really cool people.
    And's daunting to know that people are reading and judging but just remember it's your blog....write like you speak and it will be great! I'm excited to follow your blog and continue to read!! So make sure you got some good shit in here!!!!
    And I totally love your old lady pic!!!!

  2. Love the picture!! I can totally tell it's you!

  3. Woohoo! Love that you are blogging! I can totally relate to your feelings about blogging. I too blog because of my horrible memory and my desire to remember things that happen. So excited to read what you have to say! I've been so poor about blogging lately, but can't wait to get the time to start up again!
